Email Abuse Analysis Solution for ISPs. Identifies the originating source of email abuse complaints extremely quickly, and allows you to immediately contact the originating customer and take appropriate action. AbusePipe is the ONLY system that deals with abuse COMPLAINTS, and helps ISPs in their fight against SPAM from within their own networks. Use with KANA and other incoming mail solutions. Advantages- * Far quicker response time to abuse emails (From 3 weeks down to 1 day or 1 hour depending on reporting period chosen) * Far less chance of your ISP being black-banned by other ISPs for failure to act against SPAMers * Less technical staff required to investigate abuse. Technical staff can return to their normal job functions rather than spending the majority of it reacting to email abuse * SPAMmers will find your ISP less of a 'soft target', and hence they will target other ISPs * Move abuse follow-up to a front-of-house activity, with a simple report forwarded to call centre staff for customer follow-up on a daily basis * Unique data warehouse allows for abuse emails to be analysed via customized reports or via Reporting tools such as Brio and Business Objects.