- you can open and hold a lot of Internet Sites together; - you can select a texts from any Internet Pages and save it to a realy MS Access Database as your Notes; - every Note has a Date, Theme, Internet-address, Comment and Text fields; - you can find all Notes in the Database by a part of phrase. - you can add a "Theme" for every Note and than group the Notes by that Theme; - you can see your Notes as a Table and sort them by Date, Theme, Internet-address, Comment or Text; - no limits for a size of selected texts and a size of your Comments; - no limits for amount of your Notes (million and more) - simply and friendly user interface; How to use it: - Use a Favorite Menu or Address Line for open an Internet Site in a current Window. - Press a "New" button (or Menu File/New) to open a new Window. - Use Menu Window/Tile to place all opened Windows tiled. Notes and Database: - Select a text on a Webpage and copy it to Clippboard (Menu Edit/Copy). - Press "Save copied Text to a Database" button. - In an "Adding a new Note" Dialog enter a new Theme or choose the earlier entered theme for that Text. - Enter a Comment for that Text if you need. - Press "Save Record" button. - The new Record with a Fields "Date", "Theme", "Comment" and "Text" will be added to a Database.