Emplois et Formations » Jobs at OpenERP
Jobs at OpenERP
Publié le 13/12/2011 @ 14:01:03,
Par jobatopenerp
Hello all,

OpenERP is looking for junior developers / Technical Consultants / Support Engineer and Functional Consultant !

With a small team of smart people, who like working hard and have fun too, we released the most disruptive enterprise management software in the world: OpenERP is fully open source, full featured (Accounting, HR, CRM, Manufacturing, etc.) and its online offer is 3 times cheaper than traditional competitors like SAP and Microsoft.

You think it's just marketing ? Just check by yourself and discover what people say about OpenERP on Twitter.

We can offer you an extraordinary chance to learn, to develop and to be part of a very exciting experience and team.

For more information on the open positions please visit : http://www.openerp.com/jobs-be

Cécile Debois
HR Manager
OpenERP sa

Dernière édition: 13/12/2011 @ 14:01:37
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