Download this free debt elimination software and take control of your debts now. In the current climate of credit crunches and financial uncertainty it really is a smart move to become debt free. Debt reduction and elimination can be an excellent alternative to debt consolidation and other forms of refinancing. This easy to use debt elimination software will allow you to forecast your loan repayments and help you eliminate your debt. By paying off a little more than your required repayments each month you can literally take years off your loan repayments. Just enter the relevant details of your loans and the software will automatically calculate your optimum payments to pay off your debt in the time that you require. The debt elimination software can create a report that you can print out and tick off each month until you are debt free. To use the software all you have to do is enter the loan amount (or remaining balance), the interest rate of the loan, how many months that you want to pay the loan over and select the date from the conveniently provided real time calender that you want the new payment amounts to start from. Then just hit the button called "calculate my payment" and your monthly payment is automatically calculated for you in an instant. With some research you can consolidate loans, refinance, and tweak your mortgage. The need for cash advances can become a thing of the past if you can calculate wisely.