MyCyberFriend is an 'AI-like' program for children 8-12 yrs old to chat and interact with Human like Robots. With its instant messaging like feel the robot friends become more of a friend the longer they chat on different free flowing topics. The 2 main Friends are a robot boy and girl that think and act like they are real. The robot friends are proactive not just reactive. This helps with the illusion that the human child is interacting with a REAL friend. The available free flowing form of chatting and other MyCyberFriend subjects permit the 8-12 yr olds to interact on any topic that age group is interested in. Always nice, polite, and supportive even moms will like and approve of this. It allows games, telling jokes, singing songs, telling stories . They have there own background, likes and dislike as all kids do. MCF creates a fun safe harbor for children to be children on the Internet. Following the COOPA laws, MyCyberFriend never collects any personal information that would allow a way for a REAL human to contact them.