What is Therapy Manager? Therapy Manager is you perfect therapy time scheduler. With Therapy Manager you can create time remainders for therapies you attain. It can be used to reminf you on your weight loss sessions, drugs therapy or anything else you can imagine. It's also perfect for marking your doctor or therapist seances even months or years in future. With Therapy Manager you won't miss another important date in your life. You don't need to remember all those dates or to mark them around on small papers or books. Therapy Manager will keep that data for you and will alert you just on time. You can use it to mark your friends and family birthdays, anniversaries. This incredible peace of software is completely free so why don't you give it a try. How to use it? It's very simple to use. Just choose "Start Date" and "End Date", enter repetitions frequency("Repeat Therapy Every"). Instead defining End Date you can select "Endless" or specific number of repetitions("Therapies"). Then you enter "Title" of your reminder and below that field you can enter larger description or notification. After you set it all just click to "SAVE AS NEW" button and you've just created your first reminder. It will appear in "Existing Therapy Alerts" window and you can easily edit it if needed.