Mopis is a high-quality semi-modular software synthesizer that combines traditional subtractive synthesis with sample resynthesis. Subtractive synthesis creates the same sounds that analog synths have used for years, using basic waveforms-- sawtooth, square, triangle, and sine waves-- which are processed by filters. The filter options include a warm, non-linear, analog-style filter, so you can get your favorite analog synth sounds out of Mopis. Our sample resynthesis engine adds a new dimension to your creations. Mopis can analyze your audio sample and create an oscillator that mimics the sample's properties. You can then play the sample back and bend it to your will. Plus you can control any parameter through the modular assign table for complex, evolving sounds. Here's some of what Mopis helps you do: adjust the pitch of a sample without changing its speed; adjust the speed without changing the pitch; move freely back and forth through a sample; loop samples quickly; adjust loop points on the fly; freeze a sample and turn it into a steady-state oscillator. Other features: 128 diverse preset instruments; up to 32-voice polyphony; up to six-voice unison; sync sample playback to host tempo; two oscillators per voice; five filter types; three tempo-syncable LFOs; delay and cross delay effects; semi-modular assign table; loads WAV or AIFF samples; low CPU usage; VSTi or AU plug-in; runs under both Windows (2000/XP) and Mac OS X.