Backup and Sync with Amazon As3 Server. Simplest way to backup or manage files with Amazon as3 server. As3FileSync enables you to backup/sync or browse through the files stored in your Amazon As3 server. It allows to create new bucket, list, upload, download or delete the files stored in the Amazon As3 Server. As3FileSync also lets you backup and sync your files with As3 server. Why As3FileSync? * Simple console based program (like telnet) * Java Application. Runs on all platforms that supports Java * Supports listing of files, uploading, downloading and deletion of files and folders * Simplest, safest and cheapest way to backup/sync your files. o Safest : Files stored at Amazon AS3 Server. It is your own account, managed only by you. o Cheapest : Amazon As3 server costs as low as $0.150 per GB - first 50 TB / month of storage used. o Simplest : As3FileSync makes it so simple to backup/sync your files. You decide when and what to sync.