3D e-Learning for Individuals and Educators Learn the core fundamentals of 3D Graphics Pre-requisites: 3D Anatomy 101 (recommended) Description: Learn the core fundamentals of 3D Graphics Difficulty: Beginner Duration: 13 Lessons (approx) Assignments: 2 modelling tasks Exam: 1 Software: 3D Model Builder (Geometry Pack) Available for: Any Windows PC, "netbook" (XP) or Mac (OSX) Delivery: On-line (or contact us for off-line content) Learning Outcomes * All 3D graphics systems draws objects using triangles * 3 points in 3D space are required to draw 1 triangle * 3D graphics systems can draw triangles in strips * Triangle strips are the most efficient drawing method * 3D triangles have a "front face" and a "back face" * All flat and curved 3D surfaces are "skinned" using triangles Skill Outcomes * Ability to define and manipulate points in 3D space * Ability to construct complex shapes using points * Ability to "skin" complex shapes using triangles * Ability to create efficient 3D objects using triangle strips * Ability to "skin" complex surfaces using triangles * Ability to move objects along a 3D axis (X, Y and Z) * Ability to rotate objects around a central position * Ability to reshape and resize objects using scaling * Ability to create complex scenes using 3D child models There are over 30 tutorials to teach you how to build castles, dragons, formula 1 cars, game characters, dolphins, buildings and even a skate board park! Learn 3D at www.3dgraphics101.com