- Supports any ETSI GSM 07.05/07.07 compatible GSM modems such as Wavecom, Nokia, Sony-Ericsson, Siemens, Motorola etc and mobile phones having a modem and that supports AT commands such as Nokia, Sony-Ericsson, Motorola, Siemens, Samsung etc. - Very High Speed in sending of messages (10-12 SMS per minute depending upon various network factors). - Allows sending of WAP Push (Service Indication) message through GSM Modem/Phone by specifying URL and text message as per 'WAP-167-ServiceInd-20010731-a' specification. - Allows reading and deleting of messages from Inbox of GSM modem/phone. - Supports several communication modes such as Serial Port, Bluetooth and Infrared. - Reading and setting of GSM modem/phone parameters such as Battery Level , SIM PIN etc. - Supports regular text messages i.e. 160 character length messages with 7-bit character (default GSM alphabet) encoding - Supports text messages with 8-bit ANSI encoding (140 character messages) - Supports Unicode (16-bit UCS2) text messages (70 character messages in international languages like Hindi,Arabic,French etc. - Supports concatenated text messages. - Supports sending flash (alert) messages that are immediately displayed on destination phone screen. - Delivery reports of SMS sent (not supported in some GSM phones/modems). - Supports sending of extra commands to modem (similar to a terminal). - Can specify validity period of the text message. - Allows setting of time interval between two consecutive short messages to avoid SMS delivery failure during network congestion. - Allows setting of number of retries in case SMS delivery failure occurs when sending text message in first attempt. - Allows specifying action type, Wap Push message creation time and Wap push expiry time i.e. time when the WAP Push link will expire. - Suitable for mobile messaging applications like sending product updates to customers, exam /admission results to students, sending commercial ringtones & pictures url, etc.