ebook - This is a charming children's fantasy tale about a family of five cats who unfortunately lose their home in a barn to a flood and their chance meeting with an old eccentric cat named Master Oswald. The story starts with an introduction to the family and to Oswald. Prince Albert, abandoned by his owners comes across an adult female cat, Bridget who has also been abandoned by her owners. Together the two cats set up home and come across three lost kittens, Hardware, Bentley and Lil Mog, and decide to adopt them. They are all living happily as a family in an old barn until their home is destroyed by floods, whilst Albert is looking for new suitable accommodation for his family, the feline house keeper of a house nearby offers them warmth and shelter. She introduces herself as Mrs. Cattypuss, the house keeper to an old and slightly eccentric cat called Oswald. He is happy for the family to reside with him at the house until their barn was habitable again. Despite Albert's misgivings, the family gets to know the mysterious Master Oswald and eventually form a relationship with him. Each Chapter tells a story from Mr. Oswald's life, but it is always related to an everyday event that prompts this action to take plac