Call Stat for PPC is a powerful tool that help you count your windows mobile phone's call history log and sms. Main Features 1. Incoming call duration stat. 2. Outgoing call duration stat. 3. Missed Call count 4. Total summery of Incoming call history and outgoing call and missed call 5. Stat. between the time choosed by user 6. Incoming SMS count 7. Outgoing SMS count 8. Get the last contact time for each one in call log 9. Send SMS 10. Make call 11.Export call log and sms to csv/xml format file Call log statistic You can use Call stat to analyse your call history ,with just simply a few clicks:call stat will list all of you incoming/outgoing and missed call,and then you can choose one contact name(phone number) in the call list to get detailed statistical reports for this contact name(or phone number) SMS statistic Call Stat can also used to count your incoming and outgoing SMS messages,it can count the incoming sms and outgoing sms for each contact name in call log history as well as all names listed in it. Send sms message and make call You can also send sms messages or make a call through CallStat