Fat Loss 4 Idiots is another revolutionary system for losing weight. It is a very simple and practical way to significantly lose fats. Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a bit similar to this concept, as in you do not eat the same foods over and over everyday. You keep some of the core foods but switch things up to keep your metabolism up to burn more fat. Fat Loss 4 Idiots is rivaled in actual content by some other guides we researched, but it's hands down the easiest guide to follow. Fat Loss 4 Idiots is completely different approach based on calorie shifting. This means that your body will be given different types of calories each day .which modifies your metabolism and forces FASTER fat loss to happen. Fat Loss 4 Idiots is all about giving new and cutting edge dietary information, to show you a new way of dieting which is different from what you've seen before. In fact, Fat Loss 4 Idiots' Diet System is probably the only one in the world which can truly say that it's not based on low fat foods, low calorie foods, or low carbs and you still lose 9 lbs in just 11 days. Fat loss 4 idiots is a fun looking weight loss site that is easy to follow. They don?t use lots of technical jargon, and the average Jane or Joe can easily follow their diet plans.