PaperKiller is the most productive professional software for creating a manual, hypertext, a guide, create and manage documentation, reference manuals, HTMLHelp CHM or WinHelp HLP online help for your software. Or even a personal CD / CDROM / DVD with your stuff, quickly. Manage electronic documents, edit pages with font, styles, tables and pictures like a wordprocessor, and place links and image hot-spots with ease, as well as audio, video, popup windows, photo galleries, etc. Save your output in all the popular formats, including Rtf-WinHelp, Html, Html Help, Doc for your MSWord, and Txt. Save time. Learn a single tool and mantain a single source document, while edit, search/replace, archive, publish and export functions act on the whole hypertext, rather than individual pages. Take advantage of the internal album that makes it easy to reuse objects and images, the clipart and templates collections that help you obtain immediate results, the optimized hypertext management that even makes simple (and visual) work of placement of elaborated frame-to-frame links. Everything is designed for everyday use, each small detail of the interface is optimized for speed. One manual, one hypertext, one file. And you can instantly reuse your work for other purposes, also with the other VisualVision products, see visualvision dot com