Programs include Sort or filter on font or background color, copy or move data based on color, convert text to Upper case, proper case & lower case, delete specified number of characters from text, data cleaning from ERP, delete or color duplicates. Convert India numbers to text string, put header or footer in multiple sheets create clickable index sheet of all sheets, put word like bullets, replace errors with anything, find all errors, auditing, find external links, apply formulas to multiple cells, rouding numbers in multiple cells,copy formula without change of cell address, delete all blank rows or columns, fill empty cells with user selection, copy data to blank cells below, serial numbers in non-consequitive rows, add text to stings or numbers, break large files with more than 65000 rows, rename active file, sum based on color, Statistical data range, convert text string to real date,Break full name into contituents, refresh all pivot tables at one click, color cells with numbers or text, list all installed fonts with sample, list of favourite excel files,