For the smaller webhost determined to grow fast, the key is to put off the costs until you've got the customers, and therefore the revenues to expand. The Helm Lite 5 package that gives you THE critical piece of hosting control panel software right away - absolutely free. Our control panel software automates your hosting business so that it pretty well runs itself. This could save you astounding money: well over $20,000. Helm Lite 5 includes all the power of the full Helm installation ($899 in value), while enabling you to operate on up to 5 domains for free! There is no limit on how long you use it! So why not get started? WebHost Automation Ltd develop control panels and automative systems for small to large internet architectures. Our web hosting automation software specialists focus on off-the-shelf product resource and development. Founded in 2002, WebHost Automation Ltd. is a privately held and profitable company dedicated to the development of software-based systems and services for the web hosting industry. Our commitment to hosting companies world-wide positively impacts on our customer's businesses helping them become more efficient and more profitable. By automating much of the day to day operations our clients are able to better serve their customers and grow their own businesses. Helm?s new modular automation brings you the potential to control, automate and sell virtually any product or service you can imagine.