Kernel for PowerPoint Repair software is best answer and solution to overcome PPT file corruption problem without much hassle. This PPT repair utility is an effective alternative that can restore damaged PowerPoint presentation (.ppt, .pot, .pps, pptx and ppsx formats) files. In fact, this recovery software is also effective in recovering the deleted master slides, images, sound files, callouts and every image object, which is most primarily used for the proper creation of PPT files. The tool actually performs the scan operation and then extracts images and recreates new presentation file featuring the entire recovered objects. In addition, this is one such PPT repair tool that is equipped with two modes of recovery viz, Standard Mode and Integrated Mode. While Standard Mode is effective in performing the PPT repair operation on big sized PPT and PPTX files, Integrated Mode is fast and effective for the recovery of minor corruptions. Besides this, the software utilize the LIVE PREVIEW technology that further allows users like you to preview the recovered text before you finally save it on computer's hard disk or any other storage media. Now, you also have option of download the Evaluation Version of the software for FREE and get familiar with its PPT recovery procedure properly.