Get everywhere you want with one click. The Dr. Axel Benz Red Folders. How much time do you spend on your PC with navigation? If you think that it is too much, this desktop organizer will help you. This windows (XP/Vista/7) desktop utility gets you to the folders you are working in with one click. Once the desktop utility is running, you will see shortcuts to the folders you are working in on your desktop. You recognize the red folders shortcuts because they are big and colourful. The folders are updated each minute. The names of the shortcuts are the names of the folders they are pointing to plus the name of the parent folder. A shortcut pointing to C:/family/mother will get the name -mother family-. Sometimes, the system shows up folders which you do not want or even do not know. This is because some program is working in theses folders without your knowledge. Or maybe you do not want a shortcut to each subfolder of a certain folder. In those cases you can ban shortcuts from your desktop. To let them disappear, just right-click on a folder and choose -send to - add to banned Red Folders list-. The folder disappears and will not come back. If you have banned folders and you want to have them back, right-click on the red folders symbol in the system tray and choose -edit banned folders list-. You can edit the ban list and delete the line with the folder you want to have back. By closing the window, the list is saved. Next time you are using this folder, it will be back on your desktop. The evaluation version is fully functional freeware, but starts to annoy you with messages after running for one hour. You can get the real version for a very good price at www.redfolders.de Have fun and be productive with Dr. Axel Benz Red Folders!