Amaizing calculator with more operations. Skins and multiple expressions to be typed and calculated. Version 1.16 Feature List: 1. calcuations in two modes: degrees and radians. 2. expressions are typed directly on multilline screen. 3. operation can be calculated after pressing OK button. example 34 + 45(OK) = 79 4. backspace button, to remove whole expression or part of it. 5. standard functions: +, -, *, /, %, ^ ,e, pi 6. using scopes for more hard expressions 7. Adv Func menu: Copy and Paste operations 8. Adv Func menu: New Line operation, it can give you ability to calc antoher/separate expression. in order you dont need to keep in your memory previously calculated expression. 9. Adv Func menu: more functions: ln, log, sin, cos, tan, sqrt, exp, ^2 10. 3 more nice skins. Supported modes: PocketPC 240x320 PocketPC 320x240 PocketPC 240x240 PocketPC 320x240 PocketPC 480x640 PocketPC 640x480 PocketPC 480x480 Smartphone 320x240 Smartphone 640x480 Supported Systems: Windows Mobile 5.0 Windows Mobile 6.0(6.1)