Book template wallpaper. There are a lot of different ways to inform people about different ideas and products on the internet. However, one of the fastest growing ways is, of course, ebooks. Ebooks can be a very valuable asset. Let me just list a few of the reasons why they have become so popular. First of all, paper books take what seems an eternity to get published. Monster search engines, with Google? of course leading the charge (and Yahoo!, Microsoft?s MSN, and bookseller in tow) are years into developing systems that will digitize the printed word. Despite copyright infringement lawsuits hurled like spears from traditional book publishers, steps have been taken to digitize several large libraries whose collections presently exist in the public domain (thus not subject to copyright law). Microsoft, for instance, is digitizing 100,000 such books from the British Library. Additionally, Random House recently became the first of the traditional publishing behemoths to realize their future, in part, relied upon selling eBooks, and began digitizing portions of their catalogue. Finally, is setting up a cheaper alternative, a ?pay-per-view? system not much unlike checking books out of a library for a nominal fee.