Three day Diet ScreenSaver,Screen Saver- three day diet plan,three day diet,three day heart diet,3 day diet,3 day tuna diet,3 day detox diet,3daydiet Three Day Diet - The three day diet is becoming very popular in today's jet-age. It's because in today's fast paced world everybody wants quick results for anything and everything they do, be it diets or any other activity and amongst this fad for a diet, which shows quick results, the three day diet is the most popular. Imagine a diet which can help you lose weight within just three days. The thought of this only makes the clients happy. It's also for those people who find fighting against food cravings a very difficult chore. So this diet is useful in such circumstances when you just need some pounds quickly, like for example if next week is your brother's wedding or just before some important meeting at your workplace etc