Annual trip insurance wallpaper. Travelling and taking holidays can be a lot of fun, but it can also be scary. If something goes wrong, you may find yourself in a foreign land amongst foreign people with no idea where to turn for help. nsurance is protection for that unwanted and unexpected challenge. Your auto insurance protects you from shelling out $2,000 for that unexpected fender bender that wasn?t even your fault. Despite the rigorous security at airports nowadays, occasionally something slips through. A penknife forgotten at the bottom of the bag, a tube of toothpaste that is over the regulation limits for liquids?or even a scorpion hiding in your backpack! On a flight from Miami to Toronto a tiny stowaway crawled out of someone?s backpack and stung another traveller. One can only hope that the unlucky traveller had holiday insurance to cover their medical bills and the likely delay to their flight!