HD Panorama displays beautiful, high-resolution panoramas on your desktop, rotating gently at 30 fps. HD Panorama uses new algorithms written for the artistic presentation of panoramas on the desktop, which can be run standalone or as a screensaver. HD Panorama includes panoramas from around the world, and there is a great example (of Mars, actually) at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4zHIvrxyKU that shows HD Panorama running at 30 frames per-second (the video doesn't do it justice, but make sure to press 'HD' for 1280x720 display). HDPanorama is in beta, and feedback and panorama submissions would be appreciated. HD Panorama displays sharp, crisp panoramas moving gently at any resolution. Even at 1920x1200, the panoramas are very sharp. New algorithms have been developed to display the panorama more preceptually (without the stretching and crawling with the traditional approaches). The download comes with 2 examples, and there are more at www.lightboxeditor.com/hdpanorama, and there will be more added.