LifeJournal™ for Writers is complete journal software that keeps you organized, productive, inspired and focused. Enjoy having a simple, unified, secure place to create your writing as well as view the entire body of work: free writes, drafts, revisions, submitted and published works as well as queries and records of your submissions and deadlines. Insert graphics and links to web sites, to other files, and to other entries. Easily assign topics to entries and passages without interfering with your writing process. LJW inspires you to write consistently and to delve into topics more deeply. Pick from thousands of quotes by writers about life and writing and from Sheila Bender's masterful prompts--it's like having a writing coach by your side. Find and retrieve relevant writings by topic, by date, by word, and by Daily Pulse. Easily review entries or passages with specific search criteria to see your life in a new light. Consolidate your writing about specific topics to see your progress and shift in perspective over time (or any of your character's progress and changing perceptions). LJW lets you customize the way you organize your writing not only by topics, but by writer's journal types such as daily writing, drafts and submission journals. Create a visual timeline of your life or the life of a character in pictures, writings, audio, and video files for easy reference during a project. Highlight key events like births, weddings, graduations, jobs, awards, losses and more. The program helps you to stay focused and maintain continuity. Chart your "Daily Pulse" by tracking items most important in influencing your productivity as a writer--i.e. minutes exercised, time spent writing, stress levels, time spent socializing -- to monitor progress, see changes, and find correlations. Daily Pulse graphs are cross-referenced with journal entries. LJW comes with a detailed help file, an on-line Knowledge Base, and a free monthly newsletter.