Maybe your passion isn?t to turn your hobby into producing an income, however, regardless of your reasons . . . what you learn in ?How to Become a Successful Magician for Fun or Profit!? will serve you very well. Here?s a bit of what you can look forward to: * Should you buy or make your own props? * Learn handkerchief tricks. * Try your hand at box tricks. * Paper and rope tricks are always well accepted. * How to ?set the stage? And, in case you are one of those budding entrepreneurs who would like to turn an avocation into a full or part-time vocation here?s a sample of what you will learn about this lucrative field: # What kind of costumes and makeup you need. # Selecting microphones and other equipment. # How to find ?gigs.? # Preparing promotional materials. # How to handle the media and advertising. # Should you have an assistant? There?s much more. As they say, ?the devil is in the details? and you?ll get a full helping of everything you need to know to ?to become a Successful Magician for Fun or Profit!? Anyone can do it!