Asutype Speller is an OS-level real-time spell check software that checks and automatically corrects typographical and spelling errors for everything you type in all Windows programs. It learns your mistakes, adapts to your typing habit and becomes smarter with use. This innovative and award-winning software brings a brand new solution to protect you from making unwanted typos and saves you lots of time, giving you accurate and fast typing. Among others, it can: (*) Spell check as you type (e.g. it beeps and highlights mistakes on the fly). (*) Spell correct general typographical errors such as TWo INitial CApitals, accidental use of cAPSLOCK key etc. (*) Capitalize first names, first letter of sentences etc. (*) Spell correct frequently made mistakes such as "teh" -> "the", "don;t" -> "don't" etc. (*) Spell correct unrecognized mistakes automatically (e.g. it corrects mistakes you make due to tiredness and you don't realize you make it -- for example, when you accidentally slip your fingers -- so you don't need to stop typing and go back to correct it yourself). (*) Spell correct unrecognized mistakes interactively (e.g. it shows you some choices and lets you choose or not choose one to correct the mistake on the fly). (*) Correct highlighted mistakes after you type. (*) Spell learn as you type. (*) Log mistakes for a later review. (*) Review mistakes and improve your writing skills. (*) Learn and adapt to your typing habits. (*) Support multilingual and Unicode texts. (*) Support unlimited dictionaries and unlimited data entries. (*) Build up dictionaries as you use. (*) Simple, easy-to-use, stable, fast and very practical. Asutype Speller is very powerful yet compact and easy-to-use. Whether you are a hunt-and-peck typist or a touch-typing power user, Asutype Speller will minimize your mistakes, speed up your typing, save you effort and make more efficient use of your time.