Calculations & Conversions at your fingertips Six most commonly used Financial calculators. A must have for all PDA users to quickly solve commonly used calculations. Empower yourself with instant references and solutions of frequently encountered calculation at your finger tips. Just few taps, and all the calculations that consumed lots of efforts and time will vanish, there by increasing efficiency. This means you will have more time to analyze your information and make better informed decisions, thus helping your company maintain a competitive edge. New Features:- Supports High Resolution (320x320) Search feature to quickly access the calculators. Calculations in US units or Metric units. Apply settings for all the calculators. Large Input Panel to enter values. Mostly operated with finger, no need of stylus. Uniquely designed Calculator display for accepting Inputs. New updated units list with new Units & Categories/Properties. In-Place unit conversion to switch between US - Metric units. Faster Calculations. Constant Values. New look Scientific Evaluator. Calculator. Loan Amortization. Annual Compound Interest. Direct/Distributor Commission. Distributor Gross Profit Margin. Sales Price Discount and Profit. Special Distributor Discounts