Business Performance Analysis Modules consist of business forecasting, valuation, breakeven and price analysis modules. Analysis Modules are designed to provide an economical, efficient and effective means to analyze a range of business performance issues. They run directly in your browser, are structured for ease of use, require minimal inputs and are provided with full online Help and Support. Forecasting Analysis - Generates a forecast to assess business performance for up to a 10 year period. The forecast is built by considering future changes in the macro and micro business environment and the impact on current business performance. From this basic data future revenue and costs are determined. Sensitivity Analysis (Optimistic, Expect and Pessimistic) can be applied to the generated forecast allowing a range of scenarios to be easily tested. This forecast provides a high level strategic budget overview, assists in the identification of business opportunities and risks, and delivers a quantifiable framework for business development strategies and actions. Valuation Analysis - Applies the Forecast Analysis to generate a Business Valuation reflecting the potential to value add and considers the future business environment. This valuation provides strong support for business purchase, sale or financing negotiations. Outputs include up to a 10 year Forecast, Sensitivity Analysis, Investment Return, Net Present Value Analysis, and calculated Business Valuation. Breakeven Analysis - Applies current performance data to determine breakeven points for Annual Revenue and Number of Sales. Price Analysis - Projects outcomes for pricing from 50% to 200% of the current price and calculates the optimum price. The optimum price provides the highest surplus (profit). It can be utilized to test the impact of pricing changes on revenue and surplus and identify the Optimum Pricing to maximize business surplus. Analysis Modules are licensed via monthly subscription.