WIN/MAC DEMO this easy to use utility software that gives you accurate complete text count information. It counts all characters and allows you to optimize text by stripping excess code. Ideal for SEO, Webmaster, Forums, Classifieds, Press Releases. You can paste optimized text into input boxes on the Internet that specify character count limits. Ideal for Web page META tags where character count limits are important. ** COUNT MY TEXT will count any text you put in its INPUT TEXT Box and give you six results: - Characters (i.e. letters, numbers) + Spaces + Line Feeds. - Characters (i.e. letters, numbers) + Spaces. - Individual Characters. - Words. - Spaces. - Line Feeds. ** Its OPTIMIZATION feature strips away extra codes - excessive Line Feeds at start and end of text - extra spaces - converts tab to space code - flags unidentified codes that can cause text to be rejected. *** Features a color themed interface, cut and paste and editing capability.***