Email forwarding to your mobile cell phone, pager, iPhone, Blackberry, or other email. If forwarding email to a text-constrained device like a cell phone or pager, you can use Advanced Text Reduction that gives you 20-30% more of your email messages. With the original From retained, you can easily reply. Custom filters (based on email address or content) forward only the messages you want. Custom scheduling ensures you only get email forwards when you want them. Forward your emails to several different destinations each with their own forwarding options. Supports POP, IMAP, Secure (SSL) POP, and Secure (SSL) IMAP. Run on your own home desktop computer. Versions are available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. For checking webmail accounts such as AOL, MSN, Hotmail, Yahoo, and Google GMail please use VersaForward Email Forwarding Service run on secure VersaForward servers available at versaforward.com.