Microsoft Access database to MySQL converter software is relevant and cost effective application to convert password protected MDB files from MS Access db to MySQL. Database migration tool accurately converts selected or complete record from MS Access database to MySQL server including default value, null value, foreign key, primary key, functions, fields, indexes, constraints, attributes etc. Database transformation utility has ability to merge or overwrite converted MS Access database with existing MySQL database and accurately save converted database to new location specified by user. MS Access database to MySQL converter software converts MS Access database files to MySQL formats without affecting the originality. Database migration tool supports different attributes, data types, multibyte character sets and Unicode architecture. MS Access database converter application ensures database integrity and maintains consistency of database records. Database transformation software is compatible with all Windows OS including ME, XP, NT, 98, 2000, 2003, Vista etc. MS Access db to MySQL converter tool provides interactive graphical user interface and easily operated by technical as well as non technical user. Features: * MS Access db converter tool is compatible with all versions of MS Access and MySQL database server. * MS Access to MySQL database migration tool converts all necessary data types, attributes, default value, null value, unique key and primary key constraints. * Software supports Unicode architecture, multibyte character set and maintains DB integrity during database file conversion. * MS Access database to MySQL transformation software provides full install and uninstall support.