This book / eBook and strategy card are a MUST for anyone who has little or no knowledge of the game of Texas Hold'em Poker and wishes to become a winner in as short a time as possible. The strategy card (which is included with the full version) is much more complex and sophisticated than it appears. Intermediate players can appreciate and may use the strategy card without any preparation. For beginners, this book prepares you to understand and make use of the comprehensive strategy suggested by this card in order to begin to be a winning holdem player. The strategy takes you all the way from learning a pair of aces beats a pair of kings to assessment of when to fold a good hand during the final round of betting. The strategy on the card is useful at all levels of no-limit holdem. It explains the various betting strategies and why seating location is important and many other issues of importance. What makes this book unique? There are several unique features in this book that are different from the usual strategy recommendations. For instance, in Step 10 you are introduced to a Card in the Hole Theory of Texas Hold'em, in Appendix 2 there is the explanation of how to improve upon the misleading preflop no foldem card odds that others seem to value, the argument is made of the qualitative value of high pairs. These are some of the new ideas presented in this book. The book is complete with respect to the knowledge needed by the beginner and intermediate hold'em players. Yet, it is easy to read and understand. Other texts have over 200 pages and contain a lot of excess details, justifications and anectdotes. This book focusses on the key strategies and concentrates them into a succint 64 page book. In this book, you will find numerous innovative strategies including a unique formula for calculating the win percentage and thus the Pot Odds recommended for players after the flop.