Overview The Wise Timetable is redesigned with the newest technology available! By doing so, we managed to make the best timetabling software available on the market - proven by numerous universities and colleges which replaced their old systems (software) to Wise Timetable. And if there is something in your organization very specific - we can implement it as a new functionality in Wise Timetable software. Data input Data input is made through the intuitive interface, with clear descriptions, and handy tool tips (description of the certain functions is shown immediately after keeping mouse cursor over them). Help tools Even with this easy-to-use graphical interface, we provide an extensive help to describe all the functions in detail and show examples to the user. Lists and reports Timetables can be extremely complex, because of numerous combinations you have with the data. To ensure that you can easily see how the data is interconnected, we provide many views on the timetable. Automatic creation To generate a timetable automatically, you just press one button "Generate". Wise Timetable will generate new highly optimized timetable, taking care of all the restrictions you have made, locked rooms, allowed breaks, room reservations, etc... Maintenance We know that no timetable is finite and fixed at the beginning of the year. That's why we took special care of manual timetable maintenance. Publishing Publish all the timetables to the Web! We have prepared ready-to-use web pages which can be easily included into your web site as sub-pages. These apps are made differently for access by professors and by students. Data import Your timetable can be maintained by more persons. You can even maintain different timetables (e.g. for undergraduate and postgraduate programs) in the same lecture rooms - system will allow you to reserve rooms for different timetables and transfer these reservations between these timetables.