LiveJournal Toolbar - this is the quickest way to get an access to LiveJournal - the most popular online blog over the world. LiveJournal Toolbar includes: + easy access to user profile and its administration; + easy access to messages page; + navigation to pages of LJ-friends; + friends list and communities administration; + advanced search of friends and communities; + scrapbook administration; + many other useful functions of LiveJournal. LiveJournal Toolbar - is a toolbar for Internet Explorer, which duplicates and extends functions of LiveJournal navigational panel. If you need some other specific features, besides available in the LiveJournal Toolbar, which will allow saving your time and money - LiveJournal Toolbar is the answer to your questions! It will effectively distinguish you from your friends - just request it! Some ideas about customization you can find here - http://www.iksanika.com/go/livejournal_toolbar_help. LiveJournal Toolbar for Internet Explorer is exceptionally simple in installation and use. It is user-friendly and reliable - it does not collect any information about the user, neither does it create any logs.