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Tout ce qui est en jaune dans le tableau suivant :
(on n'en avait pas déjà parlé par ICQ ? :confused: )

Many web browsers treat the MIME charset ISO-8859-1 as Windows-1252 (the extra control codes in ISO-8859-1 are forbidden in HTML anyway), and so codes from it are often seen in web pages that declare their encoding as ISO-8859-1. This is also true of e-mail programs. However, there can be difficulties from the use of such characters, particularly when the recipient is using a non-Windows system such as Linux or MacOS, which may have assigned no meaning or a different proprietary set of characters to this range.

Il semblerait qu'en plus d'afficher le 8859-1 comme du 1252, ils fassent l'inverse : ils envoient des caractères du 1252 même si le formulaire utilisait un autre set... - © 2002-2025 AkretioSPRL  - Generated via Kelare
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