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C'est donc le moment de se rattraper avec le logiciel libre du mercredi :smile:

Je présente donc AltBinz

Les fitioures:

Various usenet search engines fully supported.
- Containing NewsLeech, Binsearch,, NZBIndex, Yabse, Super Search
and TvNZB.

Auto PAR & RAR
- After downloading , alt.binz downloads the needed par2 files ( if nescesary ) and
repairs the files and finally it will unrar the files for you.

Full NZB file support.
- Allows you to import NZB files into alt.binz Download Queue

Powerfull scheduler.
- Allows you to easily manage when to start your downloads, and with what speed.

Full XPAT-server side search support.

Multi-server support.
- Adding several news servers, gives you the option of downloading from multiple servers
in the same session.

Detailed log.
- Gives you a detailed overview of started and finished downloads

Collapse / Expand batches of files.
- Allows you to collapse or expand batches of files you are downloading so you have a
clear overview.

Customizable user interface.
- Gives you the option to ex. add/remove tabs from the tab pane, or show/hide panels from
the statusbar.

Works on Linux !
- Yes, with WINE you are able to use alt.binz on a linux machine.

En gros, ca marche bien et ca a un TRES gros avantage : c'est une application stand alone.
Pas d'installation nécessaire.
Il ne faut pas être admin de sa machine.
Ca fonctionne depuis une clé USB ou un disque externe.

Voilà, pour les screen shots, voyez le site interweb : :oh: - © 2002-2024 AkretioSPRL  - Generated via Kelare
The Akretio Network: Akretio - Freedelity - KelCommerce - Votre publicité sur ?