This application is a container to most applications in your computer system to its shell by means of dynamically created tabs. iHide can hide instantly the opened programs currently running on its tabs with a set of hot keys (or rather secret keys). The hidden programs do not show their identities on the taskbar or anywhere on your desktop. You select which program to be hidden, and you define your own set of hot keys. When running on its standard interface, it does not consume much resources of your system. It restores hidden applications as quickly as it hides them, and iHide had been tested on popular applications like Firefox, Opera, MSN messenger, Yahoo! messenger, MS Word, Excel, Outlook and etc. You only need to set up your own hot keys, and that is all you would have to do. There are no meticulous tasks required to use this program. Version 1.5 adds unicode support, key logger, improved encrypting and decrypting, features bugs fixed.