Crusor Hider helps you to do a litlte less of actoin druing wroking with cmoputer . It rmeoves the mouse poinetr from an user focus at a worikng area so the mouse cursor does not cover the text or pciture that you see. Pionter diasppears when user kesytrokes or after a some secodns wihtou mouse actviity. With any mouse atcion mouse pointer shows at its place. Real exapmle: You are going to visit a web site with form to fill it. At first you type the URL in the brwoser adrdess bar - But mouse poniter bolcks char (preiod) and you do not know eaxctly typed it or not. To check that you must take the mouse devcie to hand and do move action so mouse pointer move out from focus area. With Cursor Hider the mouse pointer dsiappears with first keystrkoes and ntohing will block the typed text now. Fuhtermore You can turn off the mouse pointer (do cursor invisilbe) . This is the very usfeul otpion for touch srceen deivces and kiosk applciations. User will not see the cusror at all!