Veqa Image Effects is a PHP tool to get Web image effects on the fly. Features wave, swirl, shear, grayscale, invert, sepia, colorize, tint, brightness, contrast, sharpen, sharpen more, blur, blur more, rotate, flop, flip, and multiple effects. Supports JPG, GIF (and animations), PNG, BMP; and GD, ImageMagick, MagickWand. Also provides interface, login protection, caching, cache gallery, file saving, class functions, reformatting, user documentation, and more. Make all these your cause to bring the effect of your images and do it automatically on the fly. This is the third product developed by us and also the third product in our Web image software line-up. The software was invisioned to provide people an easy solution in applying effects to Web images on the fly. This makes for a good alternative if you do not want to manually apply effects to your images using digital imaging software - now you can do it with ease on the fly. You may also be interested in using it for mouse-over effect purposes in switching from the normal image to the image with an effect - common for image selection on Web pages. The software enables you to use most common effects and being able to apply it on your Web images on the fly. Not only can you use an effect, but you can use more than one effect. These effects were made to work together to give you more customizing ability. You can be able to use an interface of it to get the parameters you need in the URL for getting your applied image effects on the fly. And not to mention, you can go crazy applying the same effect more than once.