tApCalc SciFi is a handy Scientific calculator for Pocket PC. It provides a simulated paper tape that allows users to record calculations and save them for future reference. Paper tape simulation has many advantages. You can start a calculation and continue adding new calculations till you have entered all data, you can edit wrong data in the calculation without re-entering all data again, you can recalculate the calculations recorded and edited on the tape. The tape can also be saved as a txt file for editing with other applications such as Pocket Word. In addition to standard calculator functions and memory functions, tApCac Scientific provides the following additional functions: - Sin, Cosine, Tan of an angle expressed in degree or radian - Logorithm to base 10 or base e - Factorial - X raised to the power 2 or to the power Y - Saving calculations to tape or beaming the tape - Editing and re-clculating expressions stored in tape