ebook - The Watch Goose Letters - Read part of it free, pay to read the rest. Leithauser Research ebook reader included. Ben Rumson is a man whom people just love to talk to. He is gifted with a highly insightful, clever, and witty conversational style which makes for a wonderful, story-like, reading experience concerning a wide variety of the most controversial social issues of our day. Ben?s lifetime of broad-based experience justifiably qualifies him as a brilliant humorist, philosopher, and humanistic realist who seeks to offer solid solutions to many of America?s most urgent contemporary debates. From American women?s rights through such far ranging topics as the American educational and medical systems, gun control, and what it means to ask an American soldier for their life, Ben will make any thinking person far richer for the experience of having read his work. Presented in letter-style, this collection of in-depth analyses, observations, and Ben?s proposed solutions for many of the most serious contemporary issues of our day bear serious consideration. This is especially true in light of the upcoming American Presidential elections in our country. Whether you are trying to form an opinion, verifying your opinion, or would like to have your present opinion challenged concerning these topics, Ben is guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat. You may be cheering, laughing, or angry as heck, but you will be enjoying this entertaining read for sure!