The pulmonary new clinic patient evaluation MedicalTemplate is suitable for pulmonologists and other health care providers. Template Features * E&M Documentation Template * Digital Health Record * Digital Signature Option * Reminders o Labs o Therapeutic options E & M Documentation Template The pulmonary new clinic patient evaluation MedicalTemplate contains prompters and space for all the required elements for a E&M encounter. * History o Chief complaint o History of present illness o Past medical and surgical history o Social history o Family history o Review of systems * Examination * Medical Decision Making o Review of data (labs, tests, imaging, old records) o Assessment and plan Digital Health Record The pulmonary new clinic patient evaluation MedicalTemplate functions like all other PDF files, but they have editable text fields and working checkboxes. This allows information to be typed in or pasted from other applications to fill out the template. Filled pulmonary new clinic patient evaluation MedicalTemplates can be printed and saved to a computer, USB drive, CD, DVD, or other storage device to create a digital health record for your patients. Digital Signature Enabled Pulmonary new clinic patient evaluation MedicalTemplates can be signed with a digital signature, instead of a handwritten signature, if the use of a digital signature is acceptable at your practice location. Adobe PDF digital signatures require the creation of a digital ID that is used to sign the PDF.