You'll help your family eat a variety of delicious, nourishing foods and avoid fad crash diets forever with the help of Fat Loss Program Ultra. The latest celebrity crash diet is only going to make you even more tired and exhausted than usual. Restricting yourself to only one fruit or type of juice while trying to be a busy Mom never works, and only causes you to crash, while doing nothing for your belly fat. With our proven meal planning tips, you'll have the energy to keep up to your kids AND you'll have a happy, healthy family fueled by nourishing foods, not the "take-out of the night" that only leaves them tired, overweight, and with bad eating habits for life. Bonus 12 Weeks of Advanced Workouts. Implement exercises that will challenge you, even if you are already in great shape. Avoid the possibility of ever hitting a plateau when you have access to a variety of challenging moves that will stimulate your metabolism to new heights.