Wallpaper changer with desktop clocks and notes utility. Designed for big collections! Smart wallpaper changer, which can do the magic with your background image via customizable templates (interactive clickable calendar on desktop, picture mixer, memo pad and more) with all popular options. Your desktop can be enlivened with real digital or analog clocks (from huge ColClocks collection) and clickable sticky notes. Built-in support for all major image formats: gif/jpg/bmp, etc. Additional great feature - ability to show URL and HTML pages and automatically apply special effect to the image (B&W/Opacity/Water/Emboss/other) on the fly. With WireChanger you can easily put pretty skinnable notes on your desktop - to add new note you can just double-click your wallpaper on free space and type note text. Images can be grouped by theme, each with its own weight. The weight determines how often theme`s images will appear in the wallpaper rotation. Themes can be synchronized with specific folder content, so all new images will be added automatically at WireChanger startup. About templates. Template can overlay your wallpaper image with useful information (Example: weather forecast or famous people`s random citation) or can generate one image from two other images. Another template transforms your image into handy interactive calendar for 2 weeks or a current month with day-by-day notes. Besides that, WireChanger can add to your desktop live digital or analog clocks. What does it means? You will never see the same picture on your desktop! :) WireChanger can also be installed as slide show screensaver