When it comes to backing up your important files and folders from your computer you will find that this can be a time consuming operation and quite often you will forget to do it. With USB Flash Backup you can automatically backup your files and folders without any mouse clicks or key strokes required. Simply plug in your USB pen or storage device and the backup begins automatically. Multi user friendly it automatically switches backup profiles depending on the USB Drive Name, adding files to backup is very simply using easy drag and drop techniques. Other features include time and date stamped backup folders, smart overwrite, and compress data on the fly to save space on your USB Pen Drive. The software will also check for free space on the USB drive before backing up and will also tell you if you have deleted files from their computer which are listed in the backup list. It has two operational modes which are stealth and normal mode. Normal mode displays backup status windows which give the user a fully informative detail description of the backup process, whereas stealth mode runs quietly in the background and backs up items with no sounds, displays or icons shown. Smart backup will check if you have already saved the files to your backup folder on the pen drive and if the files have been changed it will automatically overwrite them with the latest version of your data. After the backup is completed the software can be told to safely remove your storage device and even switch off your computer. The trial version of the software is free to download and is fully operational for 15 days.