Ils ont donc déposé pas moins de 3000 brevets déjà cette année (sic!) contre à peine 2000 l'année passée et un petit millier il y a peu encore... A ce rythme, il serait bon de commencer à engager des avocats, cela risque de payer à terme.
Le chef charismatique de Microsoft, Bill Gates, annonce par ailleurs que le fait de déposer des brevets pour protéger ce qu'ils ont découvert est de loin plus important que ce que les concurrents sont en train d'inventer... Evidemment, ce n'est pas difficile à comprendre quand on voit ce qu'ils arrivent à déposer comme brevets, le dernier en date étant tout simplement "l'organisation et l'affichage de photos basé sur le temps"...

Des brevets, plus plus plus de brevets!

On peut vraiment déposer n'importe quoi !
Et comment ils justifient cette invention ?

Des brevets, plus plus plus de brevets!
La franchement aucune idée... Mais c'est Microsoft
A technique is provided for organizing and displaying digital photographs based on time. The technique includes inputting data representing a photograph and storing the data as a photograph image file. The technique then identifies the manner in which the photograph image file stores time information (such as date and time of day). For instance, the technique determines whether the time information is digitally encoded in the image file, or whether it is embedded within the image data itself. The technique next includes extracting the time information from the photograph image file using a technique appropriate to the identified manner in which the time information is stored, to produce extracted time information. The photographs are then inserted into a time sequence based on the extracted time information, and presented on a calendar display at a location representative of the chronological placement of the photograph within the time sequence.

A technique is provided for organizing and displaying digital photographs based on time. The technique includes inputting data representing a photograph and storing the data as a photograph image file. The technique then identifies the manner in which the photograph image file stores time information (such as date and time of day). For instance, the technique determines whether the time information is digitally encoded in the image file, or whether it is embedded within the image data itself. The technique next includes extracting the time information from the photograph image file using a technique appropriate to the identified manner in which the time information is stored, to produce extracted time information. The photographs are then inserted into a time sequence based on the extracted time information, and presented on a calendar display at a location representative of the chronological placement of the photograph within the time sequence.
Des brevets, plus plus plus de brevets!
Results of Search in 1976 to present db for:
microsoft: 22065 patents.
Hits 1 through 50 out of 22065