Vue actuelle : Fiche d'un logiciel

Catégorie :
Licence :
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Prix :
4.95 USD
Taille :
8.3 KB
Mis à jour :
Evaluation :

Plateformes :
This product was created for Treo 600, Treo 650, Treo 680, and Treo 700p only. It will not work on other devices than Treo 600, Treo 650, Treo 680, or Treo 700p. This handy little software displays a few last entries of your Treo's crash log. From now on, if a crash occurs, you'll be able to refer to all the available information about the reason of the problem. Equipped with this information, you'll know which application caused the problem, and you'll have all the necessary information that you should pass to the application''s developer.