3D City Environment for your Community & Dating Site, Seconf Life of the Members. If you have a community or dating site you need to have something to attract customers. Day by day. Having a real 3D City live chat software will bring you money. A second life model is very popular nowadays. Members are tired of ordinary chats, they need 3d communities, 3d dating sites, online 3d chats, 3d chat worlds. They need more reality to this. They need 3D. Independence from any client software: Usually if we talk about online 3d chats, virtual environments or cyber worlds, we mean no actually that they are independent. You will have to download a program that will be run on your computer and make it possible for you to walk in the 3D environment. This makes it all a bit too complicated and moreover it is quite impossible to make this 3D city a part of a community or dating site. In our 3D Chat Software it is all quite different - all takes place in an ordinary browser. Infinite scalability of the 3D City for free: We constantly work on new locations, features, models, improvements. You get this all for free for lifetime. For example, when a new location like Disco Bar appears, you just upload it to your server and the users see that the door that earlier was closed is now accessible. Fast downloading of the locations: The locations are optimized as much as possible. For example the graphics of the Bar location takes now only 1 MB of space. So the 3D Environment can be used not only by those with fast connections. Also all locations are downloaded one by one, when needed, and only once. Nicely drawn locations, like in a 3D game: All 3D modellers and artists as well as programmers in our crew are real professionals. The quality of the images and 3D environment is not worse than that of the most popular 3D games.