How to recover forgotten passwords of all email accounts configured in MS office outlook and outlook express! Using outlook password unlock utility you can easily restore your lost passwords with server details. Outlook and outlook express password recovery tool efficiently recovers all Unicode character passwords regardless of size and complexity. Password rescue software is capable to display list of entire outlook user accounts with their password. Outlook and outlook express password viewer application shows all forgotten login passwords, incoming and outgoing mail server information with server port number. Software allows users to save recovered login passwords in text files for future use. Outlook password revealer tool unhide hidden characters behind asterisks. Outlook and outlook express password recovery utility is a user friendly application and does not require any technical knowledge to operate. Outlook password unlock tool has highly interactive graphical user interface with inbuilt help manual. Outlook password revealer shareware is a useful program for users having multiple accounts in outlook and outlook express. Outlook password recovery software uses advanced technology and algorithm for exact password restoration. Features: * Password recovery tool supports all versions of MS office outlook (2000 to 2007) and outlook express (5.0 to 7.0). * Outlook password unlock utility easily installs on all windows operating system including Vista version. * Outlook and outlook express passwords revealer software supports easy recovery of Unicode passwords regardless of size and complexity.