Website monitoring application is powerful, secure and multithread status analyzer software that keeps watch on your website performance in real time. Website URL tracker utility determine website uptime, downtime, and ping status. Web server examination tool support all different internet server protocol like file transfers (FTP), web server (HTTP, HTTPS), email (SMTP, POP3) protocols and many more. Instant website monitoring services provide different alert notification to user like run specific program, playing selected or default CPU sound or instantly send email at user specified address when website become inaccessible, gives slow response, goes down and display various error messages like host not found, low network connectivity, file not found, low bandwidth, server not found and many more. Website uptime monitoring software closely watches multiple websites simultaneously, independently run at computer system and not interrupt any other running program. Website up down time analyzer tool run with any laptop, desktop or notebook computer having Microsoft windows based operating system. Software is useful in different business process and helpful for organization or users where they have need to regularly watch their websites in 24 hours, 7 days in week. Website monitoring software features: * Instant alert notification when website goes down, become unavailable or display error message. * GUI based user friendly application capable to monitor multiple website performance simultaneously. * Provide 24 / 7 website accessibility and performance analyzer service. * Determine ping status, up time and downtime status of website in real time. * Trial edition available with inbuilt help option. * Support all internet service protocol including HTTPS and POP3. * Support windows 98, 2000 advance, 2003 server, NT, ME, XP professional, media center and Vista. * Easy to use for technical as well as non technical user.